For many us, the new year is a time of resolutions, of celebration, of gratitude, and of hope. One aspect of overall well-being that seems to be in the news a lot these days is including meditation in daily life – to reduce stress, to improve concentration and focus, and to open our hearts with compassion in troubling times. So perhaps this is a moment when we can re-commit to our Zen practice, both at home on our solitary cushions or chairs, and in the zendo with our sangha friends, surrounded by their support and encouragement.
Formal Tuesday evening and Sunday morning sittings occur both in-person and on Zoom.
Private instruction for practice support and advising, individual instruction and guidance, is available by appointment (usually before or after a regularly scheduled Tuesday or Sunday sitting). Contact Susan to let her know you want to meet (216-630-3583 call/text). A call beforehand is essential.
Other dates to keep in mind:
INTRODUCTION/REFRESHER TO ZEN MEDITATION will be held on January 11 at 1:00 p.m. Please RSVP if you’d like to attend by calling or texting Susan at 216-630-3583. The start of the year is always a great time to “hit the reset” button on a lapsed practice, and as 2025 may be a challenging year, we all need to be sure we are building our resilience on a foundation of consistent meditation practice (as well as regular sleep, healthy eating, socializing with friends/family, exercising and spending time in the healing presence of nature.) There may not be an Intro/Refresher in February, depending on a facilitator’s availability.
ROCHESTER ZEN CENTER 7-DAY SESSHIN: There will be a 7-day hybrid sesshin in January at the Rochester Zen Center Chapin Mill Retreat Center in Batavia, NY starting January 11-18 led by Sensei John Pulleyn. Check with the Zen Center ( to see if there are still openings as the application deadline has passed.
ROCHESTER ZEN CENTER 2-DAY SESSHIN: There will be a 2-day hybrid sesshin in February at the Rochester Zen Center Chapin Mill Retreat Center in Batavia, NY starting Feb. 21-23. Deadline for applying is Feb. 6.
For the past forty-plus years, the Cleveland Zazen Group has taught and practiced traditional Zen meditation in a welcoming, all-inclusive atmosphere and setting. Located in Cleveland Heights, the group meets several times weekly as well as sponsoring occasional introductory workshops for beginners and extended meditation retreats for more experienced practitioners.
Find out more about the Cleveland Zazen Group, our schedule and practice.
Take Action
Our Group Leader, monitors, Board of Directors and others freely give their services to the Cleveland Zazen Group. Your contribution goes directly toward activities that support Zen practice.